A design concept for a potential future mail replacement
DISCLAIMER: This project is currently vaporware, but I’m sharing the concept so maybe other people can jump bandwagon and realize it. If you do so, send me a notification!”
I really like the concept of E-Mail, but I don’t like the implementation we use today. One day, I thought: What would be required to make a backward compatible modern E-Mail system.
Here, I’m presenting the results of this brainstorming.
Required features
- Send single or multiple files to a receiver
- Files are identified by a name and a mime type
- Compression is always used
- Send files to one or more users
- Use the email format
as account
will allow querying the public key for auser
on that host so we can encrypt messages to that user- With this method, the CA system ca be used as a trust anchor (as it is widely adopted)
- Use end-to-end encryption by default
- Question: How to solve multiple clients? How are keys shared?
- Question: How to do account recovery/backup? Standardised protocol
- Files can only be exchanged between identifyable servers
- Question: How to prevent the typical spam? Signed mails by default?
- Question: Is relaying necessary?
- Messages can be accessed via a directory service
- Files in a message can be downloaded separately
- Messages can be automatically sorted into folders and get tags assigned
- Message metadata
- Sender identity
- Send date
- Receivers (To, CC)
- Subject
- “is read”, “is important”
- user tags per message
- Users can do key migrations and do a forward key change
- This is done by signing the new key with the old and storing the new key information on the server
- Requires a special revocation certificate / revocation keys
- This way, people can have a trusted way of fetching the new key without requiring any additional features
- A key update would require the user to re-encode or delete all messages that are on the server (or keep the old key for read-only use)
- This is done by signing the new key with the old and storing the new key information on the server
- Messages without files/content are allowed and can be considered “notifications”
Missing solutions
- Proof of account
- Prevent spam by proofing an account is actually known to the server
- Require an account to be verified by a server through a captcha?
Project Components
- Server-To-Server protocol
- Authenticate, open encrypted channel, transport messages
- Query user existence and public key
- Only metadata is user has public key
- Realistic/dynamic rate limiting on queries
- Only metadata is user has public key
- Server-To-Client protocol
- Access and modify directories
- Block individuals and servers
- Send messages to a user
- Query user public key
- Example client
- Implement/showcase all features of the Server-To-Client protocol in an easy way
- Example server
- Implement all features
- Example CLI tool to send a bunch of files
send-parcel file_1 file_2 ...
Message encryption and packaging
- A message is composed of:
- An unencrypted header that contains the receiver and the sender identity
- A symmetric key encrypted with the public key of the receiver
- A symmetrically encrypted set of metadata
- Send date
- “To”, “CC”
- Subject
- The file list
- File name
- Mime type
- File encryption key
- byte offset in the message
- byte length
- A set of individually encrypted files (to allow partial message downloading)
Potential Extensions
- Forward-compatibility with E-Mail:
- Allow receiption of SMTP messages by using an SMTP server that converts and encrypts received E-Mail and forwards it to this service
- A client can both implement this service and a regular E-Mail-Client. It queries the target server and sends a Parcel if supported, otherwise queries the client if they really want to send an unsafe E-Mail. Optionally support also PGP